working with God to
transform lives and communities
2nd March – Sunday Next Before Lent
10.00am CW Holy Communion with Rev’d Christine
1.00pm Baptisms of Leo Joe Phillip Butler and Nathan Butler
4.00pm BCP Evening Prayer with Alan and Eileen
Forthcoming Events
Tues 4th 6.30pm Home Group in Friendship House
Weds 5th 2.00pm Mother’s Union meeting in church
Weds 5th 7.00pm Ash Wednesday Service in church
Fri 7th. 6.00pm Choir Practice in Friendship House
Sat 8th 10.00am Prayer Meeting in Friendship House
9th March – First Sunday of Lent
10.00am Iona Holy Communion with Rev’d Alan Fitch
4.00pm Iona Evening Prayer with Rev’d Christine
For encouragement
Bible Verse of the Week – ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ John 3:16
All Saints Church, Kirk Hallam takes safeguarding very seriously, and the PCC have adopted the Derby Diocese Parish Safeguarding Handbook, promoting a safer church
Protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of us all, whether they are in the communities in which we live or part of our Christian family. If you have a concern about a child, young person or adult who may be at risk of harm please speak to the parish safeguarding coordinators Hilary Hampton (0115 8910608) or the priest within the parish – Rev’d Christine French -0115 7831793
Church contact information
Contact: Rev’d Christine French –
Tel: 0115 7831793 Mob: 0780 828 1187
Curate – Rev’d Ailsa Hunt 07356064856
Churchwardens – Mrs Janet Wheeldon, -Tel: 0115 8771593
Mrs Linda Gregory –
Disabled toilet available.