A few facts about baptism:-
- Yes – baptism is the same as a Christening
- Yes – baptisms are FREE of charge
- Yes – you don’t have to live in the parish
- Yes – it not just for babies and toddlers
- Yes – you can take photos during the service
- Yes – it is important

I love taking baptism services, here in Kirk Hallam most services happen at about 12noon on Sunday morning, lasting for less than half an hour, and I only baptism one baby or person at a time (unless in the same family).
The Baptism Service is a way of saying ‘Thank you’ to God for the miracle of your baby, and a celebration of new life and new life in Christ. The service focuses on asking God to bless your child and praying that they have more tears of happiness in their life than tears of sorrow.
And also it is a way of becoming part of the growing family of God, Jesus was baptised by John in the River Jordan, when heaven opened, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus as a dove and God said “You are my Son. I love you and I am well-pleased with you.”
In the waters of baptism we are given a new start, a cleansing away of past sins and starting anew and a fresh with God in our lives and hearts. Faith is the gift of God to us, in baptism God is adding to our number those whom he is calling.
In each baptism service the one to be baptised will be anointed with a little cross of special oil that was blessed by the Bishop, (it’s great to get brothers and sisters to help with this); blessed water is then poured three times onto the head of the baby (often adults opt for full immersion baptism) and finally a baptism candle is lit and a prayer is said over it, then blown out (again an older sister or brother can help with this) and taken away, often to be got out at sad times, and lit as a reminder that the light of Jesus Christ can shine into the saddest of times and the darkest of corners.
Although a baptism is free, if having the service between October and March you will need to pay for the heating, which is £100 per service, the same applies to weddings and funerals. So if you would like your child, or indeed yourself to find out more about getting baptised (or Christened!) then please contact Rev’d Christine French – 0115 7831793, email – revchristine@outlook.com