Service Times

Refreshments After the Morning Service – Please stay seated after the service and a hot drink will be brought to you in the pews.

25th August – 13th Sunday After Trinity

9.30am         CW Holy Communion

6.00pm         BCP Evening Prayer

1st September – 14th Sunday After Trinity

9.30am         CW Holy Communion

12noon         Baptism of Lyla Grace Kingston

6.00pm         BCP Evening Prayer

Forthcoming Events

Tues 20th       7.00pm         Home Group in Friendship house

Tues 20th      7.00pm         Bell Ringing

Fri 23rd          6.00pm         Choir Rehearsal

Sat 24th        10.30am       Prayer Meeting in Friendship House

Tues 27th       7.00pm         Home Group in Friendship house

Tues 27th      7.00pm         Bell Ringing in Church

Fri 30th          6.00pm         Choir Rehearsal

Sat 31st         10.30am       Prayer Meeting in Friendship House