Reserving a Grave Space

Reservation of a Grave Space

Please note this same procedure and charges applies to both the reservation of a grave and a plot for the internment of ashes.

Step 1

Do you meet any of the points listed below….

1.     Were you born/brought up in the parish and were you a member of the Church?

2.     Have you always retained your links with the community?

3.     Are you an active member of the Church of England?

4         Have there been family baptisms, marriages or funerals or church offices held by close family members at All Saints, Kirk Hallam

Step 2

To put your request to Rev’d Christine French in writing, this will then be taken to the next Parochial Church Council.  In the letter please state your full names, dates of birth and a reason why you are requesting a reservation. 

Step 3

If the PCC agree to your request, then to purchase a ‘Reserved’ stone from the Stone Mason (Martyn Bailey has these in stock – tel 0115 9325963) and with the Vicar or Church Warden to locate the space to be reserved and to place the stone in situ – pending approval.

Step 4

You will need to complete the form ‘Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2000 – which Rev’d Christine can provide you with a copy of and send it to Natalie at Eddows Waldron Solicitors, 12 St Peter’s Church Yard, Derby, DE1 1TZ.   This can only be done once we have identified the plot you wish to reserve and have recorded it on the church yard plan.  Rev’d Christine will provide you with the copy of the church yard plan.

Step 5

You will then be sent a ‘Petition Form’ which you need to take to Rev’d Christine to be displayed in the Church Yard for a period of 28 days) and then (pending no objections) it is to be signed by Rev’d Christine and returned to Natalie.  When Natalie receives this she will then send off the relevant paper work to the Chancellor who will then authorise (or not if a legitimate reason is found) the legal ‘Faculty form’ which ensures that space is reserved for yourself.

The fee for the solicitors is currently (May 2016) £229.00 which is the same for both a full grave space or an ashes plot to be reserved and they will invoice you for appropriately, there is also the fee to the PCC which is currently still being held at the 2011 price of £216.