
Harvest Meal at the RacesThank you to everyone who supported our Harvest Meal together we raised £670.02

‘Thank You’ to everyone who made our Summer Fete such a lovely day.

Some photos of the recent visit to Ilkeston by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Monica is organising a coffee morning on Saturday 4th May 10am to 2pm – donations for the tombola welcomed.

WATER AID – Lent Appeal – Jars for Change.

Once again we are supporting Water Aid’s Jars for Change Lent Appeal.  Please bring in your empty clean jars filled with coins for Easter and together we can make a difference.

Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, 14th February, – have you thought what God might like you to do differently this Lent?

‘What does it mean to belong to a faith community?’

Miss Georgina Wheeldon is bringing into church on Mon 12th, Tues 13th & Weds 14th children from Ladywood School, on the topic of ‘What does it mean to belong to a faith community?’ 

Rev’d Christine would like to capture your thoughts (on video) on this question, so she can share it with the children.

Mid-week Remembrance Service

On Tuesday 7th November at 11am the Ilkeston RBL will be leading a short Act of Remembrance, with the Mayor and children from both Dallimore and Ladywood Schools.  All welcome.

Remembrance Poppies are on the font at the back of church, all donations welcome and will be sent to the Poppy Appeal.

Christmas Fayre

Donations for the raffle, tombola and auction are needed for the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 25th November at the Community Hall from 10am to 2pm

Mothers’ Union Sponsored Walk

Several members from our MU branch will be doing the 5 mile sponsored walk for the MU on Wednesday 5th July – you are welcome to come along for the walk, as well as sponsoring them, for more information contact Jane, Janet or Rev’d Christine.

Rev’d Christine will be away on Bishops Advisory Panels on Monday from 12th June through until the evening of 14th.  Hence she cannot pick up messages left on her land line and it may take her a while to return other messages.

New Benches in Churchyard

A big thank you to the Gardening Gang (& Mr F) for recently installing the new benches in the churchyard.  They do look smart and are actually comfortable to sit on for a while.

As well as remembering the people who the old benches have previously been dedicated too, we now have benches dedicated to Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and for the coronation of King Charles.  The bench set away, under the tree has an inscription remembering Brian Bostock too. 


Thank You to the Flower Team – the church looks fabulous!

Pastor Michael Hooton

You are invited to Michael’s retirement celebrations on Saturday 24th June from 2.30pm at Ilkeston Baptist Church.  If you want to attend please can you phone 07340213715 so they know how many to cater for.  He has been the Baptist Pastor in Ilkeston for 37 years!

Jars for Change

This Lent we have raised together £152.16 – thank you to everyone who collected their coins throughout Lent.

Nominate someone for a free Easter Egg

Is there someone you know (in the local area) who should have a free Easter egg delivered to their home on Good Friday ?  If so please pass their details onto Rev’d Christine and Every One Eats will give them a nice surprise!

Mother’s Union April Meeting

Wednesday 5th April at 2pm in Church Mike Stone will be talking about the history of Easter eggs. 

All welcome

Uniformed Groups Parade Service

At 11.30am on Sunday 2nd April is the Palm Sunday Parade Service, open to everyone.

Ring for the King
Would you like to learn how to ring church bells?  Linda would be happy to help show you the ropes! Just ask for more information.

Jars for Change
This Lent we are supporting again Water Aid’s appeal for donations towards clean water in Africa.  Please bring in your jars full of change by Easter Day 9th April.

Social Programme Meeting

Everyone is invited to the Social Planning Meeting after the 10am service on Sunday 15th January in Church.

Rev’d Christine’s Holiday

Please note that Rev’d Christine will be off duty from Monday 30th January to Saturday 25th February.  Messages left on the land line will not be picked up until she is back on 25th, and messages to her mobile may cost you rather a lot – as she’s visiting Rev’d Caro in Australia!

Week of Prayer of Prayer for Christian Unity

January 18 and January 25


God of Unity, forgive us when we are self-serving

and help us to grow in unity and understanding

as we extend your love and justice to all.  Amen.

Merry Christmas & Thank You Rev’d Christine & Fr Julius would like to thank everyone for their cards and gifts – it’s very kind. 

Mothers’ Union

The next Mothers’ Union will be in Church on Wednesday 11th January at 2pm, and it’s the Annual General Meeting.

Thank You from Every One Eats – the Trustees of Every One Eats would like to thank All Saints Church for their support, together we will be taking out over 100 meals on Christmas Day, plus another 50 meals in the Flamsteed Centre.  The food bank will only be closed on Christmas Day.

Trefoil House Xmas Fayre

Thursday 1st December from 6pm to 8.30pm

Craft Stalls; Refresments; Adopt a Bear; Christmas Carols; Come & have fun raising funds for the local Girl Guiding groups

Deanery Advent Carol Service

This is on Thursday 1st December at 7.30pm at St Andrew’s Church in Swanwick – all welcome

New poppies are available at the back of church, with a collection tin for the Ilkeston Royal British Legion.

Thank you – together we raised…

£36.50 for the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal and an amazing £305.20 for Macmillan Cancer Research – thank you especially to Margaret Whalley for organising it, in memory of her husband Derek.

Cleaning the Church

Could you help clean the church?  We are looking for volunteers to join the rota for vacuuming, dusting etc.  Chat with Rev’d Christine for more information.

Bishop’s Harvest Fund

There is a box at the back of church for donations to Bishop Libby’s Harvest Appeal this year, with more information about the charities she is supporting.

Let’s Sing

Don’t forget the free community singing group is running again at the Community Centre on Tuesday mornings from 10am to 12noon – everyone is welcome

Harvest Festival Lunch Saturday 15th October

Details and tickets now available

From Every One Eats  family fun day…
what happens when funeral directors and a priest socialise!

A few photos from recent activities……..

Coach Trip to Bridlington

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

‘Thank you’ again to the team who made our street party such an amazing event, raising over £1,400! 

Fr Julius’s First Mass

Fr Julius will be priested at Derby Cathedral on Saturday 2nd July.

On Sunday 2nd July we will only be having one service, which starts at 2.00pm with Fr Julius presiding.  After this we can celebrate at the Community Hall, with a ‘bring and share’ buffet afternoon tea. 

Parishes now have permission to use the ‘Common Cup’ during Holy Communion and we will start offering the wine too at this service.  The chalice will be wiped clean between everyone who does drink from it.  If you do not want to part take, then please don’t.  The choice is yours.

On this special occasion, we will be having incense in the service and using

grains that are approved by the British Medical Association as ‘low allergen’ hence should not cause any allergic reactions, but again, if you feel it affecting you, then please do put your own well being first.

Rooms Needed for 1 night

Do you have a spare bed that you can offer for friends of Fr Julius who will be coming to this service?  It’s just for one night, please chat with Fr Julius for more information.

Bridlington Day Trip Thursday 21st July

Our coach is now full.  If you cannot make the day trip, then please let Rev’d Christine know, so the seat can be offered to those on the reserve list.

The new Pet Memorial is in the churchyard just the other side of our memorial to babies who were taken too soon.

Bishop Malcolm’s Visit

Thank you to everyone who was able to meet and greet Bishop Malcolm on 20th April, his day included chatting with people at Church, then at the Community Centre, plus lunch at U Choose and learning about the ‘food bank to go’ from Every One Eats.

Son Rise Service

There will be a Son Rise Service in the ruins of Dale Abbey at 6am on Easter morning, followed by hot drinks.

Bishop Malcolm’s Visit on Wednesday 20th April

Bishop Malcolm is booked to visit Kirk Hallam on Wednesday 20th April.  You are invited to join him for Morning Prayers at 9.30am in Church.  After this he will be coming to the Community Centre to chat with the team there and the customers at the Community Pantry.  In the afternoon he will be meeting with volunteers from Every One Eats to learn about the food bank.

Knitted Flowers Not Needed!

Thank you for all the knitted flowers, they are amazing and we now have far more than we imagined, so we don’t need any more knitted flowers. Thank you.

How can I help the people of Ukraine?

The Disasters Emergency Committee are co-ordinating donation and help.  If you want to send a cheque all donations should be made payable to DEC Ukraine Appeal and posted with a completed postal donation form (some at the back of church)  to: DEC Ukraine Appeal, PO Box 999, London, EC3A 3AA

Don’t forget – donations of medicines, baby supplies – such as nappies, powdered milk etc, plus thermal socks, gloves, hats plus pet food can be left at the Vicarage.

How can I help the people of Ukraine?

Please be careful when donating for this crisis, as there are some ‘scams’ going around, donate to an established charity, such as the Red Cross who have been supporting people affected by conflicts for years, and will not stop now.
By phone – 0300 023 0820

By post, cheques made payable to ‘British Red Cross’ and posted to:

The British Red Cross, Supporter Services INT17, British Red Cross, 44 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9A

More information on other donations next week.

Refreshments After the Morning Service

Please stay seated after the service and a hot drink will be brought to you in the pews.

Face Masks in Church

The Government has now given the guidance that you do not have to wear masks in indoor places, however if you want to continue to wear  mask, then please do so, the choice is yours.

A big ‘THANK YOU’ to Jane & Janet for organising our

‘MU & Friends Christmas meal’

Curate on Placement – exciting news that Fr Julius Anozie has joined us at Kirk Hallam, helping Rev’d Christine.  His contact details are: mobile 07979782629 and email is –  Julius is new to Derbyshire, if you have a favourite local walk, why not invite him to come join you?

Christmas Fayre – Thank You

Thank you to Joyce and the team for organising our Christmas Fayre, and for Alan – our amazing auctioneer.  It is reassuring that things are slowly and safely opening up again.  Plus it was lovely to see familiar faces again and to chat over coffee and cake.

Viking Village – Thank You!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped to make last Saturday’s Viking Village such a fantastic day – despite the weather.  Amazingly over 500 people came during the day, and together we raised over £600 for the church funds.

Photos from Rev’d Caro’s licensing service

We now have our services open at both 9.30am and 4.00pm

Face Masks in Church

The Government guidance has relaxed in respect of wearing face masks in church, however if you feel safer continuing to wear one then please do so.  Everyone’s situation is unique to them, please be gracious to one another.

A grand (and hot) time was had by all at the Mother’s Union picnic.  The sponsored walk is re-arranged to Thursday 5th August.

Ways to get involved with your Church

Things are slowly starting again, if you want to get involved there are several activities at church that would welcome you…

Volunteers needed to join the Gardening Gang to help mow and strim the churchyard.  The volunteers meet from 8am to 10am on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays, if you are interested chat with David Pickworth.

The Saturday Prayer Group are meeting for an hour at 9.30am, every one is welcome to join them, and also please ask them to pray for things on your heart too.

The Mother’s Union meets on the first Wednesday in the month at 2pm.  For more details of annual subscription rates chat with Jane Mortimer and Janet Wheeldon.

Our Bell Ringers are back in action with our three historic bells, if you fancy having a go they meet to practice on Tuesday evening, for more information chat with Linda Gregory.