
Protocols and practice guidance for the Church of England’s Past Cases Review 2, (PCR2) have been published and are on the National Church of England Website. safeguarding/promoting-safer-church/safeguarding-news-statements/past-cases-review-2 .Individual survivors who wish to make representations to the PCR2 process in the Diocese or who need to come forward with information or make any disclosures regarding church related abuse are encouraged to make direct contact with  the Safeguarding Team 01332 388678. However, recognising that this may not feel safe for those with experience of abuse from within the church, a dedicated national helpline – 0800 80 20 20 – operated independently from the church, by the NSPCC, was set up in September 2019 and remains available. 

Survivors and victims can use the helpline to provide information or to raise concerns regarding abuse within the Church of England context; whether they are reporting issues relating to children, adults or seeking to whistle blow about poor safeguarding practice. Survivors were not invited to contribute to the 2007-2009 PCR and the Church has wanted to ensure a different, trauma informed approach is taken by PCR2.  Listening to survivor voices has helped to shape how this review will be conducted.

All Saints Church, Kirk Hallam takes safeguarding very seriously, and the PCC have adopted the Derby Diocese Parish Safeguarding Handbook, promoting a safer church.

Report a Safeguarding Concern

Protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of us all, whether they are in the communities in which we live or part of our Christian family. If you have a concern about a child, young person or adult who may be at risk of harm please speak to one of the parish safeguarding coordinators Hilary Hampton (0115 8910608) and Claire Hobby(07824099466)  or the priest within the parish – Rev’d Christine French -0115 7831793

‘The Church of England is called to share the good news of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ. The life of our communities and institutions is integral to how we address this task. The good news speaks of welcome for all, with a particular regard for those who are most vulnerable, into a community where the value and dignity of every human being is affirmed and those in positions of responsibility and authority are truly trustworthy. Being faithful to our call to share the gospel therefore compels us to take with the utmost seriousness the challenge of preventing abuse from happening and responding well where it has’.

From ‘Promoting a Safer Church’, The Church of England’s Safeguarding Policy Statement    

Message from the Most Revd. and Rt. Honourable Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
Dear Colleagues,

Safeguarding is at the heart of our Christian faith. We are all made unique and in the image of God. Jesus came that we might have life and have it in abundance (see John chapter 10 verse 10). ‘Safeguarding’ means the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture in all our churches. 

In order to achieve this, we need to do a lot of hard work. We will promote the welfare of children, young people and adults. We will work to prevent abuse from occurring.  We will seek to protect those that are at risk of being abused and respond well to those that have been abused. We will take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others and offer support to them whilst taking steps to mitigate such risks.  

The Church will take appropriate steps to maintain a safer environment for all. In order to do this, we must be obedient to Christ who placed a child in the midst of his disciples and encourages us all to be childlike in our faith (see Matthew chapter 18 verses 1 – 5). So, we must practice fully and positively a ministry to all children, young people and adults; to respond sensitively and compassionately to their needs in order to help keep them safe from harm. This Parish Handbook aims to further strengthen the Church’s approach to safeguarding by bringing into one place the safeguarding responsibilities for parishes as outlined in the House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policies and Practice Guidance. It has been designed to support the day to day work of all parishes in relation to safeguarding and those that have a key role to play with children, young people and adults who may be vulnerable.  It is complemented by a pocket safeguarding guide, a contact safeguarding card and a Parish Safeguarding Resource Pack, that offers a range of model templates and good practice reference material.  It has been informed by best practice in faith organisations and the safeguarding sector. I want to thank very much all those that were involved in the work and all those that contributed to the consultation process and offered their helpful and informed views. The House of Bishops commends this practice guidance for use by all parishes, particularly the safeguarding lead on the Parochial Church Council, clergy, parish safeguarding officers, licensed lay ministers and leaders of parishes work with children, young people and vulnerable adults.   

I hope that this Handbook and complementary guides and templates will contribute greatly to promoting a safer culture and building good safeguarding practice in your parish church. I hold in my prayers all who are directly involved in this crucial work and let us all pray that we may strive to be a safe church for all.
Yours in Christ’s fellowship,   

Archbishop Justin Welby 

More detailed information can be found at:-

Further help and guidance can be found at:-

• NSPCC for adults concerned about a child – 0808 800 5000 

• Childline for children and young people – 0800 1111 

• Action on Elder Abuse helpline – 0808 808 8141 

• 24-hour National Domestic Violence helpline – 0808 2000 247 

• NAPAC offer support and advice to adult survivors of childhood abuse – 08088010331 

• Stop It Now preventing child sexual abuse – 0808 1000 900 

• Cruse bereavement helpline – 0808 808 1677 

• Family Lives support and advice on family issues – 0808 800 222

 • MACSAS for people who have been abused by church officers – 0808 801 0340 

• Samaritans for people struggling to cope and needing someone to talk to – 116 123 

Some sources of support for victims and families of abuse

If you need to contact Derby Church House urgently, please use the following information:
Safeguarding: If you have a safeguarding concern, please call 01332 388678 or see this page
Property: If you have an urgent problem with one of our properties, please see this page
Communications: If you need to contact our communications office with an urgent media enquiry, please call 07540 120899 or email

Other contacts in Derbyshire
In case of an emergency, always dial 999
Derbyshire Police: 0345 123 3333
Derbyshire County Council: 08456 058 058
Derby City Council: 01332 293111
Find a pharmacy –
NHS Direct – for non-emergency advice – 0845 4647
Royal Derby Hospital – 01332 340131 – Main switchboard
Chesterfield Royal Hospital – 01246 277271
Buxton Hospital – 01298 214000
I Need Help!
Samaritans – Derby – 01332 364444
Samaritans – Chesterfield – 01246 270000
Samaritans – Buxton and High Peak – 01298 214469 & 01298 214261 
Samaritans – national telephone – 116 123 (this number is free to call)
National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247

Social Services
Derby City – Out of Hours Support – 01332 786968
Derbyshire 24-hour helpline – 08456 058 058
Childline – 0800 1111
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline – 0808 800 5000

Electricity: National Emergency Number: 105
Gas (emergency) 0800 111 999
Severn Trent Water (emergency) 0800 783 4444
National Floodline 0845 988 1188