All Saints Church, Kirk Hallam

Working with God to transform lives and communities
Forthcoming Events
19th January – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
10.00am CW Holy Communion with Rev’d Christine
4.00pm BCP Evening Prayer with Rev’d Ailsa & Rev’d Christine
Forthcoming Events
Tues 21st 6.30pm Home Group in Friendship House
Tues 21st 7.00pm Bell Ringing in church
Thurs 23rd 7.00pm Scout Leaders in Friendship House
Fri 24th 6.00pm Choir Practice in Friendship House
Sat 25th 10.00am Prayer Meeting in Friendship House
26th January – Third Sunday of Epiphany
10.00am CW Holy Communion with Rev’d Christine
12.30pm Baptism of Ivy Mai Patricia Coop
4.00pm No service at Kirk Hallam, as everyone is welcome to the Licensing Service of Rev’d Christine at West Hallam Church